Monday, November 22, 2010

National Geographic's Photography Contest 2010

A supercell thunderstorm rolls across the Montana prairie at sunset. (Photo and caption by Sean Heavey)

I have always been a fan of amazing photos may it be a one time big time quality shot or photoshopped for better quality. Tonight, I saw this link on National Geographic's Photography Contest. This contest is an annual event where people submit photos from 3 categories: people, places and nature. $10,000 USD would be the prize and your photo published on Nat Geo's magazine.

Liquid Planet. Another picture from the Liquid Vision Series, which shows a different point of view of waves. An angle that people are not used to seeing. (Photo and caption by Freddy Cerdeira)

I posted 5 of the photos from the Boston site and each one is captioned originally.

A Wrinkle in Time. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. (Photo and caption by Nikki Krecicki)

I was absolutely in awe on how spectacular the photos came about. I don't know how it happens but it can inspire you in one way or the other. I sure am inspired. I want to take photos as great as the ones in this gallery and share it to everyone.

Alone. I was up in the air in an helicopter, taking images for the community and suddenly I saw one tree surrounded by thousands of spruces and I got only one shot in this perfect light. (Photo and caption by Mats Almlöf)

Just see for yourself. These are just 47 photos of this year's contest and there are lots more in Nat Geo's official site for photography:

Cosmic. Mother nature doing what she does best. (Photo and caption by Patrick John O'Doherty)

Monday, November 8, 2010

This Is Disney Alright

Disney Prince Fetishes

I need not expound on this. This is a very good representation of... Enough said.

Has Waldo Been Found Yet?

Where's Waldo

I love Where's Waldo! I have known the character since I was a kid and I remember watching a TV show of it. Isn't it fun and at the same time really challenging to look for him each and every time? Well, not to the point where you get a headache. But it is really cool especially on places where there are so many stuff to notice other then Waldo himself. Well until now, I keep this Where's Waldo book in my room and challenge guests to look for Waldo! There's no stopping him from hiding though.