Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hello World!

Hello World! 
Hello World Code

If you understood what it meant by just reading this blog's title, then in some way you are inclined to the field of Information Technology or maybe you had this Visual Basic class back in high school. FYI, I'm not going to talk about  Hello World here. I just needed something to post as my "First Blog Post" and it was the first thing that came into mind. I know, I know. Most bloggers would say something like "This is my official blog from now on and I hope I would have the time to update it and write stuff on it and so on and so forth so please try to drop by once in a while".

Fine fine. I would've have wanted that too. And so I hope I would have the time to update this blog and write stuff on it and so on and so forth so please try to drop by once in a while. OK cool! See? Writing a blog post isn't that bad after all.

If you're still confused what Hello World is, I took the liberty of searching its formal definition on the ever-trusted Google and found it at the trusted Wikipedia. So here it is:
Hello World is often considered to be tradition among programmers for people attempting to learn a new programming language to write a "Hello World!" program as one of the first steps of learning that particular language.
Alright! See you soon!

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